Tuesday, December 30, 2014

County Deadline Reminder

Bringing Texas to the Table

Just a reminder that the deadline to register for the County Food and Nutrition Project is THIS Friday; January 2nd.   Please email your recipe to Meagan and let her know if you also plan to participate in the Food Challenge and Place Setting categories.  :-) mturnmire@ag.tamu.edu 

You can find an example of how your recipe should be typed out in the guidelines.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Food and Nutrition Project info meeting

There will be an informational meeting for the Food Show/Food Challenge on December 4th, 6:00 pm at the Extension Office.  If you have never participated in this project this would be a very beneficial meeting to attend.  Come see what the Food and Nutrition is all about!  

Friday, October 31, 2014

County Food and Nutrition Show date

The date for the County Food and Nutrition Show is January 10, 2015 at 9:00 am.  The deadline to register for the county show is January 2nd by 5:00 pm.  Please see the previous post for info and guidelines. 

Information about workshops are forthcoming.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

2015 Food and Nutrition Guidelines

The new guidelines for the 2015 Food and Nutrition Project has been released.  Please print and read ALL of the information provided as these same rules will be followed at the county and district levels.

This year's theme is Bringing Texas to the Table. Remember, your dish should address this theme as well as be healthy.  

You can also study the My Plate to get more information. Be sure to study the judges questions.

As soon as a date for County has been set it will be announced here and on Facebook, so please watch for updates.

District Food and Nutrition competition is set for February 14th in Nacogdoches, so go ahead mark your calendars in case you make it to that level.  

Pee Wees and Clover Kids will be allowed to participate at the county level and will receive Participation Ribbons.

If you plan to participate in the Food Challenge you may want to start getting  your teams together and work out the details of who will have what part, etc.  

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

913 Camp info.  Passing this on from Willie.  If you have not received the summer newsletter from the Extension Office, please let me know and I'll forward it to you.  :-)  

Youth 912 Camp Gets A New Name… Youth 913 Camp is Just Around the Corner

Our 3rd Annual Youth Camp will be held on July 22nd – 25th at the Cherokee County Expo Center in Jacksonville.  This camp will follow a similar format as the two previous years.  It will be a hands-on day camp for kids ages 9 to 13 years old from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. each day. This camp is meant to be an introduction to some of the major projects that 4-H has to offer.  Though the final schedule has not been set, the topics covered will range from Livestock & Animal Projects (large & small), Dog Projects, Food & Fashion Projects, Entomology & Horticulture Projects, Shooting Sports Projects (Archery & Rifle), Public Speaking Projects, Consumer Decision Making Projects and Water Education & Appreciation. 

Meals, snacks and refreshments will be provided.  You may pre-register for this camp by contacting the County Extension Office at (903) 683-5416. We will then send you the registration form that you can either mail in or drop off in person by the registration deadline (July 16th). This camp is open to non-4-H members as well as 4-H members.  In fact, if you are a member and planning to attend, you are encouraged to bring a non-4-H member with you to camp.  

Enrollment fees for this camp are as follows:
Non-Member: $90.00
Current 4-H Member: $60.00

If a family will have multiple siblings attending camp, a declining schedule will be applied to each subsequent enrollee.  First child enrolls at full rate; each additional child enrolls at $10 less than the child before them.  Example: Family with three non-members attending would be $90+$80+$70=a savings of $30.00.

Remember the deadline to register is July 16th at 5:00 p.m.  A late registration is open on the 17th and 18th fee of $15.00 will assessed to each enrollee.  
Educational programs of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

We had a wonderful time at the District 5 4-H Food Show/Food Challenge today.  Cherokee County was well represented.  

Jr. Team made up of Kara Woffard, Kendall Filer and Amber Dickey placed 4th in the Food Challenge.

Intermediate Team made up of Katy Dickey, John Woffard, Sarah Woffard and Trey Shipman placed 1st in the Food  Challenge.

Amber Dickey placed 3rd in the Jr. Division/Vegetable category in the Food Show.

Trey Shipman placed 3rd in the Intermediate Place Setting, 2nd in the poster contest, and 1st

in the Intermediate Division/Vegetable category.

David Wingard placed 5th in the Senior division/Vegetable category, and 1st in the Senior Place Setting for the Food Show.

We are so proud of ALL of the participants!!  

Friday, January 31, 2014

Long Eared Drifter - Cute video to remind us of the importance of good nutrition.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The District 5 4-H Food Extravaganza is now on
 4-H Connect and ready for entries.  The last day to register will be January 24, 2014.

The memo for this contest was sent out in October 2013 and is available on the D5 Web page.     Fillable forms are also available on the website.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

District Food Show/Challenge Reminder

The District Food Show will be held at SFA in Nacogdoches on February 1st.  Now is the time to sign up on 4honline.com.  The deadline to sign up is January 24th.

Masterchef Jr. Open Casting Call

Recipe Rally

Information on the 2014 Recipe Rally contest, held in conjunction 
with Texas 4-H Roundup, is now available at texas4-h.tamu.edu/

The contest is open to intermediate and senior 4-H members. To participate, youth (as a team or individual) create a video of them demonstrating the preparation of a recipe while highlighting nutrients, food safety practices, serving size and cost analysis. 

The theme for the 2014 contest is breakfast. All video entries are due by March 1, 2014, with the top 6 finalists in each age division advancing to participate at Texas 4-H Roundup.

Monday, January 6, 2014

District Registration now open for the Food Show/Challenge

Registration for the 2014 District Food Show/Food Challenge is now up on 4honline.com.

You must register on the website to be eligible to compete at the District Food Show.  The deadline to register is January 24th, so be sure to register before then.