Monday, May 16, 2011

Food Preservation Workshop

There will be a Food Preservation Workshop on June 3, 2001.

Location: Norwood Heights Baptist Church
2214 HWY 155
Palestine, TX

Cost: $25 per person or $35 per husband/wife couple

Time: Registration 8:45 am
Workshop 9:00 am - Noon

Make checks payable to Program Development Fund

MUST pre-register by May 24th.

Demonstrations will be provided pressure canning, water bath canning, freezing and dehydration. Tips, recipes, guidelines and samples for all attendees.

Participants are encouraged to bring their pressure cookers Presto, National, Magic Seal and Maid of Honor to have their gauges tested for FREE.

To register or for more information, please contact:

Holly Black 903-723-3753
Wendi Green 903-683-5416

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